Sunday, December 29, 2019

Patriotism and Justice - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 545 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Patriotism Essay Did you like this example? George W. Bush was the 43rd president of the United States, taking the reins of a nation at a time where the strength and foundation of America would be tested in a way never before experienced. Even prior to this, he had spent time in the political world. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Patriotism and Justice" essay for you Create order Philosophy editor Brian Duignan writes, â€Å"[Years before his election as president], Bush spent 18 months in Washington, D.C., working as an advisor and speechwriter in his father’s presidential campaign†¦[He] was a businessman and served as governor of Texas (1995-2000).† The next year, he would follow in his father’s footsteps as president—the first president in many years to deal with a foreign attack on U.S. soil. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Bush attends to the needs of the nation with a variety of methods. In George W. Bush’s 9/11 Address to the Nation, he speaks to the American people with the purpose of comforting the nation in a time of crisis and spurring action against the terrorists behind the attacks. He encompasses a tone of somber lament as he pursues the subject of recognizing the thousands of lost lives, â€Å"[stressing] the values of freedom and justice as qualities that [make] America great and [outlining] plans to address the crisis† (Milford). One of the main methods Bush employs to achieve his goal of providing comfort is appealing to the emotions of the people. He engraves pathos into his speech with words such as, â€Å"Terrorists attacks can attack the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.† To drive home the horrid nature of the attacks, Bush repeats words such as terrorists, shatter, and evil. He slowly transfers from supplying comfort to pledging vengeance against America’s enemies, repeating the words peace, security, and justice. He assures his audience of the actions to be taken and his resolve to carry them out. In the aftermath of 9/11, the nation desperately needed comfort. With the somber, grieving tone, Bush caringly supplies America with emotional consolation and physiological restoration. As he abruptly yet consciously addresses the attacks, he reminds his audience of American strength and steadfastness. He then further helps dissipate the feeling of helplessness left in the wake of the crashing planes by confirming the justice that would follow. Patriotic word choice cements this effect. Undoubtably, Bush’s 9/11 Address to the Nation is a true example of immortal American values and determination. There are some who say Bush was a weak, ineffective president, but he came through on the day of America’s darkest hour. Following the attacks, America needed to be assured that their nation would stand, that justice would be served. With his reminders of American strength, display of patriotism, and assurance of justice, Bush does just that. He accomplished his goal admirably. Works Cited 1. George W. Bush Address to the Nation on 9-11-01 The Rhetoric of 9/11, 11 Sept. 2017, 2. Duignan, Brian. â€Å"George W. Bush.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 15 Oct. 2018, 3. Milford, Mike. â€Å"National Identity, Crisis, and the Inaugural Genre: George W. Bush and 9/11.†Southern Communication Journal, vol. 81, no. 1, Jan. 2016, p. 18.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Collusive Oligopoly - 3372 Words

1.0 Introduction In a perfectly competitive market it is assumed that owing to presence of manybuyers and many sellers selling homogeneous products,the actions of any singlebuyer or seller has a negligible impact on the market price of product. However in reality this situation is seldom realized. Most of the time individual sellershave some degree of control over the price of their outputs. This condition is referredas imperfect competition. Barriers to entry are the factors that make it difficult for new firms to enter an industry, which lead to imperfect competition. Mostly commonly known barriers of entry areeconomies of scale, legal restrictions, high cost of entry and advertising and productdifferentiation. Imperfect†¦show more content†¦For any one firm, within the cartel, expanding output and selling at a price thatslightly undercuts the cartel price can achieve extra profits. Unfortunately if one firmindulges in this, the other firms will probably same path same. If all firms break theterms of their cartel agreement, the result will be an excess supply in the market and asharp fall in the price. Under these circumstances, a cartel agreement might breakdown. Fig.1 Price fixation by cartel and effect on partner of the firm 3.0 Conditions conducive for formation of cartels 1. Only a small number of firms exist in the industry and barriers prevail to entryprotect the monopoly power of existing firms in the long run. 2. Market demand is not too variable i.e. it is reasonably predictable and not subject toerratic fluctuations which may result to excess demand or excess supply. 3. Demand is fairly inelastic with respect to price so that a higher cartel price fetchesincreased total revenue to suppliers in the market. 4. It is easier to monitor each firm’s output. This enables the cartel more easily toregulate total supply and identify firms, cheating on output quotas. 4.0 Reasons for possible breakdowns of cartels Most cartel arrangements experience difficulties and tensions and some producercartels collapse completely. Several factors can create problems within a collusiveagreementShow MoreRelatedOligopoly Essays895 Words   |  4 PagesOligopoly is a market structure in which only a few sellers offer similar or identical products. It is an intermediate form of imperfect competition. OPEC is an epitome of Oligopoly. Features of Oligopoly: †¢ Non Price Competition †¢ Interdependent decision making †¢ Entry Barriers If organizations behave in cooperative mode to mitigate the competitions amongst themselves it is called Collusion. When two or more organizations agree to set their outputs or prices to maintain monopoly it is calledRead MoreMarket Structure of Petrol Companies952 Words   |  4 Pagesstructure of an oligopoly. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

World water crisis Free Essays

Sustainable Catchment Management: Principles and Practice Essay The universes fresh water is normally discussed in the literature as being a finite resource under increasing force per unit area from the greater demands being placed upon it globally ( Postel 2000, Hamdey et al 2003, Oki and Kanae 2006, UNEP 2007 ) . It has accordingly become a extremely combative resource, and in recent old ages the focal point of much argument on how best to pull off it ; with the latest favoured paradigm ( peculiarly in developed states ) being that of holistic sustainability – achieved utilizing the ‘best pattern ‘ of basin-wide direction ( Biswas 2004, Watson et al 2007 ) . Such an attack is peculiarly emphasised in cardinal policies such as Agenda 21 and the Water Framework Directive, with the latter implementing the creative activity of River Basin Management Plans by jurisprudence for all EU member provinces. We will write a custom essay sample on World water crisis or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will discourse whether there truly is a universe H2O crisis, and if so to what extent river basin direction ( RBM ) can assist to turn to this. Case examples such as the Murray-Darling basin are used to discourse this in context. Harmonizing to the research of Oki and Kanae ( 2006 pp1068 ) the planetary ingestion of renewable freshwater resources is good below its Malthusian bounds, with merely 10 % of the maximal available bluish H2O and 30 % of green H2O being soon used. However, because its distribution both in measure and quality for intent is spatially and temporally uneven ( figure 1 ) it consequences in H2O emphasiss bing through a demand and supply instability. Gleick 1998, Hamdey et al 2003, and UNEP 2007 amongst others cite figures such as â€Å"already 80 states with 40 % of the universe population suffer serious H2O shortages† ( Hamdey et al 2003 pp3 ) , and â€Å"more than a billion people in the underdeveloped universe deficiency entree to safe imbibing water† ( Gleick 1998 pp487 ) . This suggests that H2O emphasis is a major planetary issue ( as reflected in the Millennium Development Goals ) ; and combined with the expected alterations in population growth/demographics ( figure 2 ) , criterion of life, economic development and clime alteration, such emphasiss are expected to decline through increasing the instability. This is particularly true for developing states since an estimated 90 % of the 3 billion people expected to add to the planetary population by 2050 will shack in such states – with many of which are already under high H2O emphasis ( UN 2007 cited UNESCO 2009 ) . At what point down the line an existent absolute crisis at a state graduated table is reached is still yet to happen ; although given the societal and economic value attached to H2O, and its 3-dimensional consequence upon nutrient supply, ecosystem wellness, and criterion of life for illustration, it may already bespeak a crisis is afoot ( Newson et al 1999 cited Newson 2000 ) . This is particularly true if freshwater entree is considered as a basic human right ( Gleick 1998 ) . Assuming this, RBM is frequently discussed in the literature as being a feasible direction option to turn to the crisis, since its attack is holistic and across-the-board. Its current favor comes from the fact that unlike the traditional response to H2O deficits – addressed through developing more supplies frequently via unsustainable beginnings and ‘hard technology ‘ patterns such as damming rivers ( Hamdey et al 2003 ) – it tries to accomplish long term sustainability through embracing land-use planning, environmental direction, and agricultural policy into the direction of all surface and subsurface H2O within a catchment. This theoretically allows for all of the direct and indirect natural and anthropogenetic demands placed upon the resource to be addressed and met under a best-practice government to accomplish an optimum relevant direction result. A authoritative illustration of where such a policy has been successful is in the Murray-Darling basin, southeast Australia. The RBM government here is a extremely evolved signifier of institutional agreements foremost started in 1917, and accordingly modified through clip, to run into the desired results and altering force per unit areas upon the 1 million Km2 five jurisdictional province catchment. At its bosom the strategy seeks to â€Å"promote and organize effectual direction planning for just, efficient and sustainable usage of H2O, land and other resources† ( Pigram 1999 pp108 ) , which it achieves through a ‘hydraulic attack ‘ utilizing top-down policy devising and bottom-up execution, coordinated through the cardinal Murray-Darling Commission ( Shar et al 2005 ) . In making this it allows for all of the cardinal stakeholders within each province to run into and discourse how best to pull off the H2O resources to maximize the attendant biophysical, economic and societal involvements non merely within each province ( and its several H2O portion ) , but for the whole catchment. Theoretically this coordinates the upstream-downstream involvements and encourages more productive/efficient usage of H2O through bettering engineering such as crop-per-drop ( Postel 2000 ) , which in bend allows all of the H2O demands to be attained equitably. When this is combined with the top-down administration system which sets legislative criterions necessitating to be met by every province sing the H2O quality and measure, ecological demands and permitted debasement degrees through land usage policies, it ensures that direction is non inactive and behind the altering catchment force per unit areas upon the H2O resource. This is non to state nevertheless the system is perfect since its effectivity depends on the cooperation of each province authorities, and as of yet no true full sustainability has been achieved ( Pigram 1999 ) . Although, with respects to the universe H2O crisis it is clear to see that in this case, along with many others, RBM is holding a positive impact. This is because it is promoting through Torahs and other means the more efficient and just usage of H2O ( Postel 2000 ) , whilst sing the whole basin and its long term demands and force per unit areas such as clime alteration. In making so the consequence of future crises/pressures may be lessened. Similar RBM governments besides exist under other political systems such as throughout the whole of the European Union ( due to Water Framework Directive statute law ) and in South Africa ( since 1998 ) . In the latter Gregersen et Al ( 2007 ) states that although the government is working it is non yet sustainable, since effectual direction systems take several old ages to develop and offer no ready made solutions. Therefore at its national degree it is non to the full able to turn to the H2O crisis, although it apparently is on the manner to seek to make so through utilizing a direction system which seeks to accomplish this from the beginning. It must be said nevertheless that most of the successful RBM governments are in developed ‘formalised society ‘ states where the cardinal H2O emphasiss are frequently far lower in the first case ( see figure 1 ) . Such systems hence can non be straight transferred between political establishments easy due to the context in which they were basically formed to run into within the founding state sing the hydraulic, climatic, demographic and socio-economic conditions and the construction of the H2O sector ( Barrow 1998, Hunt 1999, Shar et al 2005 ) . For illustration Hu ( 1999 ) , Malanu et Al ( 1999 ) ( cited Shar et al 2005 ) and Hunt ( 1999 ) each found that the Murray-Darling RBM government could non be successfully transferred to the Chinese, Vietnamese and Solomon Island contexts because of such issues ; with Shar et Al ( 2005 pp46 ) reasoning that reassigning RBM governments between developed and developing states is peculiarly debatable since the jobs developing state happen critical have either remained unresolved or irrelevant in developed state river basins, such as land H2O development. Therefore in respect to the universe H2O crisis it provides small usage in this sense, particularly since the greatest stresses/crises are expected to happen here. Hunt ( 1999 ) therefore argues that the contextual tantrum between policy development and application is cardinal to pull offing the H2O resource successfully. In puting the right model to put drama and drama in provides an effectual environment to turn to the H2O crisis in, whether through RBM or non. In some instances I would besides reason that to turn to the current H2O crisis RBM can merely be used as portion of the solution, due to the interconnectivity of the H2O resource with criterion of life ( associating back to the Millennium Development Goals ) and economic development. If full RBM sustainability is strived for under the current conditions, inclusive of the environmental demand, it may merely function to decline the current crisis such as in Jordan – which withdraws some of its supply unsustainably from non-renewable aquifers ( Macoun and El Naser 1999 ) . The same is true for other basins globally such as in the Colorado, Tennessee and Yangtze River basins, since in order to run into their yesteryear and current demands, supply had to be increased through keeping H2O in dike. This could be seen in some instances as being unsustainable due to the impact it has on the basin ; and even though the two former river basins are now managed under RBM governments ( Newson 2009 ) they are runing under modified conditions. RBM still has value nevertheless in advancing more efficient H2O usage ( Postel 2000 ) and sustainable ethical direction, so hence should non be wholly ignored. The contextual tantrum of states as a whole is of import in finding the best attack to turn to the universe H2O crisis. RBM may besides neglect in turn toing the universe H2O crisis excessively if it fails to be effectual itself in the first case. For illustration since RBM seeks to accomplish just sustainability ( Barrow 1998 ) , unequal power sharing may ensue in such a failure. To represent this if a dike was allowed to keep back more H2O for power coevals it would set increasing force per unit area on the available measure of flow for ecological demands and irrigative agribusiness uses amongst others. Similarly if a mill was allowed higher pollution degrees so the alterations in the H2O quality could pull a system closer to sing a H2O crisis ( presuming it was already extremely stressed ) . This is particularly true in non-integrated RBM governments, since the different involvements of each RBM stakeholder group, such as land proprietors, husbandmans, developers and environmentalists would be over-prioritised in their several RBMP compared to others. This consequently may be uneffective due to the differing overall results, necessitating some coordination and compromising to be effectual in footings of long-run holistic direction. A similar weakness may besides happen within international river basins if a common-goal transboundary direction understanding can non be established in pattern – even if it is agreed upon politically. This is the instance today between Israel and Palestine despite the fact of the ‘road to recovery ‘ ( common end ) program. Israel in 2003 abstracted 95 % of the H2O from the diverted Lower Jordan to run into its ain abstraction demands and left Palestine with merely 5 % . Hence Palestine is in a H2O crisis since it can non run into its ain H2O demands ( Frederiksen 2003 ) . To be effectual hence RBM plans in the first case demand to be important, just, co-ordinated and true to RBMs initial intent. Merely so can it assist in turn toing the universe H2O crisis. In decision, it can be successfully argued that RBM is a worthwhile direction option to prosecute in relation to turn toing the universe H2O crisis. Where such governments are good established and operational, such as in the Murray-Darling catchment, its sustainable attack to direction allows for all of the demands and threats/pressures to the fresh water resource ( such as inordinate food overflow from ill managed land ) to be identified and dealt with equitably and consequently within the basins long-run transporting capacity. But, given the contextual tantrum of each state with respects to its current resource base, H2O force per unit areas, and demands/needs, it may intend that in the expansive strategy of things RBM may non be the most suited direction option to turn to the crisis with on its ain. Interestingly RBM is harmonizing to Shar et Al 2005 is harder to implement in developing states due to its developed background, but it is such developing states where the H2O emphasis s are already at high emphasis degrees and expected to decline from most through the predicted population growing and clime alteration force per unit areas ( UNESCO 2009 ) . Lone clip will state how utile and politically favoured RBM is in turn toing the crisis, and whether it is continued to be used entirely or alongside other H2O direction constructs such as ‘virtual H2O ‘ sharing. Bibliography Barrow. C.J. ( 1998 ) River Basin Development Planning and Management: A Critical Review in World Development 26 ( 1 ) pp171-186 Biswas. A. K ( 2004 ) Integrated Water Resources Management: A Reassessment. Water International 29 ( 2 ) pp248-256 Frederiksen ( 2003 ) The universe H2O crisis branchings of political relations trumping basic duty. Water Resources Development 19 ( 4 ) pp593-615 Gleick. P ( 1998 ) . The human right to H2O. Water Policy 1 pp487-503 Gregersen. H. M, Ffolliott. P. F, Brooks K.N ( 2007 ) . Integrated watershed direction: connecting people to their land and H2O. Oxfordshire: CAB International Hamedy et Al ( 2003 ) Coping with Water Scarctiy: Water Saving and Increasing Water Productivity Irrigation and Drainage 52 pp3-20 Hunt. C ( 1999 ) Transposing of H2O policies from developed to developing states: the instance of user wages. Water International 24 pp293-306 Macoun. A, El Naser. H ( 1999 ) Groundwater Resources Management in Jordan: Policy and Regulatory Issues ( chapter 6 ) . In Salman. M.A. S. ( 1999 ) World Bank Technical Paper no456 – Groundwater Legal and Policy Perspectives. Proceedings of a World Bank Seminar. Washington DC: The World Bank. Newson. M ( 1997 ) Land, H2O and Development: sustainable direction of river basin systems. London: Routledge Newson. M ( 2000 ) Science and sustainability: turn toing the universe H2O ‘crisis ‘ . Procedures in Environmental Science 2 ( 3 ) pp 205-229 Newson. M ( 2009 ) Land, H2O and Development: sustainable direction of river basin systems. London: Routledge Oki. T, Kanae. S. ( 2006 ) Global Hydrological Cycles and World Water Resources Science 313, pp1068-1072 Pigram. J. D ( 1999 ) Australia ‘s Murray-Darling River Basin in A SIWI/IWRA Seminar Stockholm Towards upstream/downstream hydrosolidarity. Capital of sweden: Arkpressen Postel. S. L. ( 2000 ) Entering an epoch of H2O scarceness: the challenges in front. Ecological Applications 10 ( 4 ) pp941-948 Shar. T, Mankin. I, Sakthivadivel. R ( 2005 ) Limits to leapfrogging: issues in transporting successful river basin direction establishments in the underdeveloped universe. InSvendsen. M ( 2005 ) Irrigation and river basin direction: options for administration and establishments. Oxon: CABI publication UNESCO ( 2009 ) Water in a Changing World, World Water Development Report 3, wwdr3/index.shtml [ 6/10/09 ] United Nations Environment Programme ( 2007 ) Global environmental mentality geo-4. Malta: Advancement Imperativeness Watson. N, Walker. N, Medd. W ( 2007 ) Critical positions on incorporate H2O direction. Editorial. Geographic Journal 173 ( 4 ) pp297-299 How to cite World water crisis, Essay examples